The owner, Francesca Bonetti, has been working in the tourism sector since July 2014, when she started to run the B&B “Il Leoncino” in Brescia on behalf of Cerro Torre, a society she was the legal representative of. To her surprise, she realized that the main demand of the interlocutors was the short – stay accommodation for touristic, work, and, also, health reasons (many people come to Brescia to undergo an intervention in the local hospital facilities). Hence, the idea to put to use the experience gained and to handle therefore accommodation facilities with a different formula, proposing apartments for rent in Brescia for short periods in order to offer a professional housing solution as an alternative to hotels, which are more expensive and less satisfying ( hence the motto ”Satisfy your desire of home”). Now the business is fully expanding as the touristic flow in Brescia is continuously increasing. The policy of the city is transforming Brescia from a mainly industrial city into a cultural one. The statistical data about the tourism in the city of Brescia turn out to be continuously increasing, both for what concerns the tourists coming from European countries (tops of the list: Germany, France and Spain), and those coming from extra EU countries. The adopted accommodation formula has revealed to be successful.